.: مشخصات درس
اهداف و مهارتها

 افزايش توان و مهارتهاي چهار گانه زباني در سطح فرامیانی (تکمیل سطح B2 بر اساس استاندارد CEFR)جهت علاقه مندان به زبان انگليسي

شرایط شرکت کنندگان
گذراندن دوره پيشنياز , ويا شركت در مصاحبه تعيين سطح داشتن حداقل 18 سال سن

توانایی های مورد انتظار از دانشپذیران در پایين دوره
محاوره به زبان انگليسي در سطح High intermediate و تسلط بر سطح B2 , همچنين توانايي شركت در كلاسهاي IELTS مقدماتي در صورت نياز به آمادگي جهت شركت در آزمونهاي بين المللي البته بعد از شركت در تعيين سطح

علاقه مندان به تقويت دانش زبان انگليسي در سطوح بالاتر(high Intermediate) دانش آموختگان سطح قبل

40  ساعت

كاربرد درس در ساير دروس



Viewpoint is an innovative course that's based on extensive researchinto the Cambridge English Corpus, taking students to a higher level ofproficiency to become effective communicators. Viewpoint 1 Student's Book is for young adult and adult students who have reached an upper-intermediate level ofEnglish proficiency (B2). Each of the 12 units in this book teaches thelanguage, skills, and strategies that students need to progress beyondintermediate level and to speak and write in English naturally, effectively, andappropriately. From the same author team as the ground-breaking Touchstoneseries, Viewpoint 1 also draws on the Cambridge International Corpus whichunderpins a highly effective approach to teaching English language.
 Units 7 to 9 of the bookViewpoint 1 will be covered.
Unit7: Getting along
Talk about getting along with friendsand family • Compare experiences of growing up in.differenttypes of families • Share views on dealing with difficult friends
Use phrasal verbs • Use infinitives and ing-forms after adjectives, nouns, and pronouns
Phrasal verbs on the topic of houserules (have friends over) • Idiomatic expressions (
drive yourfriend’s away, tagalong with someone
Make your meaning clear with expressionslike what I’m saying is and I mean• Use
expressions such as I have tosay to show that you want to make a strong point
On the Mercy Ships• An interview with Dr. LeoCheng, whose volunteer work with
Mercy Ships changes lives indeveloping countries
Write anemail inquiry about volunteering • Use it as subject and object • Avoiderrors
with verb forms

Unit 8: Foodscience

Talk about farming, food, andnutrition• Share ideas for eating a healthy diet • React to
Use the passiveto focus on information when talking about the past, present, andfuture;
Use complements of verbs that describe causes andeffects
Human body partsand processes (heart, metabolism) • Noun and verb forms of thesame
root (discovery, discover)
Use rhetorical questions to make a point ; Give examples with expressions such as such
as, like, takeand for instances
On the MercyShips; An interview with Dr. Leo Cheng, whose volunteer workwith
Mercy Ships changes lives in developing countries
Write an email inquiry aboutvolunteering; Use it as subject and object; Avoid error with verbforms.

Unit 9: Success and happiness
· Function/topics
Define and discuss success and happiness; Share stories about happy moments and times
when things went wrong
· Grammar
Use the determiners all, both, each, every, neither, none of, no; Use ing-forms as educed
relative clauses, to describe simultaneous events, and as subjects and objects
· Conversation strategies
Use expressions like As far as (success) is concerned to focus in on a topic ;Use
expressions like As far as I’m concerned / can tell
to give and soften opinions.
· Vocabulary
Expressions with get(get off the ground, get under way, get off to a good start)
Synonyms (study=analyze)
· Reading
Unhappy? Maybe you’re not in the right country!An article describing ways that
governments can take responsibility for their citizens ‘happiness.
· Writing
Write a paragraph for an essay about whether governments are responsible for citizens’
happiness; Use expressions to add ideas; Avoid errors withinaddition to, etc.
آزمونwriting1  در سامانه آزمون آنلاین  و آزمونwriting2 به صورت حضوری برگزار می گردد
  • آزمون پایان ترم به صورت آنلاین ولی در محل موسسه برگزار میگردد