.: مشخصات درس
اهداف و مهارتها

 توانمند سازی علاقه مندان به شرکت در آزمون بین المللی IELTSدر چهار مهارت LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING ,WRITING وکمک به کسب نمره 6

شرایط شرکت کنندگان
اتمام دوره قبل (intermediate) با نمره 5.5 ويا شركت در آزمون تعيين سطح و اخذ نمره 5.5 ويا دارا بودن مدرك IELTS ، يا آزمون هاي آزمايشي موسسه با نمره 5.5(مربوط به حداكثر تا 3ماه قبل).

توانایی های مورد انتظار از دانشپذیران در پایين دوره
كسب مهارت هاي لازم در سطح نمره 6

متقاضيان شركت در آزمون اصلي IELTS كه در سطح متوسط ( نمره 5.5) قرار دارند و نياز به نمره 6 دارند.

60  ساعت

كاربرد درس در ساير دروس


آشنایی با ازمون IELTS و بخش های آن

در هر unit:

  1. آشنایی با مهارت  listening+تکنیک های مورد نیازجهت جواب دادن  به هر نمونه سوال +ارائه راهکارهای پیشرفت سطح
  2. آشنایی با مهارت reading+ارائه تکنیک های مربوط به هر نمونه سوال + تمرین جز به جز همراه زبان آموزان +تمرین آزاد جهت کسب مهارت
  3. آشنایی با مهارت task 1 Writing+نحوه نگارش reports & letters+آموزش لغات و اصلاحات  رایج + آموزش گرامر مورد نیاز +ارائه نکات کاربردی افزایش سطح نمره  در حد( نمره 6)
  4. آشنایی با مهارت task 2 Writing+آموش انواع سوالات task2+پاراگراف بندی ، ارائه قالب و اصلاحات پر کاربرد  در task 2
  5. اشنایی با مهرات Speaking+ارائه مثال ها و تکنیک های رایج در Speaking+تحلیل مثال ها+آشنایی با گرامر و لغات نمره اور درحد (نمره6)


skim a text quickly to understand the general idea
scan a text for specific information to answer short-answer questions
use skimming and scanning to locate the answer quickly
understand and produce paraphrasing
use the present continuous and present simple correctly.

 select key features of different types of graph, chart and table in order to describe them accurately
use suitable verbs, adjectives and adverbs to describe trends in different ways
compare different graphs or information in the same graph and write a summary of the main features.
predict the type of information required for short-answer questions 
Listen for specific information (e.g complex numbers ,difficult spelling)
Answermultiple- choice question correctly by eliminating distractors
speak about various aspect of “where you live”
Respond to WH-. would & Yes /No questions about “where you live”
Use syllable stress in words correctly
identify questions which ask for factual information and questions which ask for the writer's opinion
skim and scan to arrive at the correct answers quickly
understand the whole text to answer questions about global understanding
use the past simple and past continuous correctly.
select and compare key features of charts, graphs and tables
structure an answer which compares information from charts, graphs and tables
revise the form and use of comparatives.
listen to understand directions from one place to another.
Match descriptions with people ,places or things.
Express your opinions about sports
Use connecting words to give longer & more detailed answers.
Use sentence stress &intonation to express you’re feeling about a topic
match information in a question with information in a text
skim a text to identify types of information
recognize the passive.
 use time markers and the passive to describe a process
plan a description of a process
interpret scientific and technical diagrams.
Identify the attitudes and opinions of speakers through expression s & intonation.
Recognizeparaphrases of what speaker say
Understand the role of distractors when answering multiple-choice questions.
speak about the news and media
use adjectives & intonations to express feeling about a new story
Use paraphrases and passive to describe an event
understand the main ideas in paragraphs in order to match headings to sections of text
use the past simple, past perfect simple and past perfect continuous correctly
recognize synonyms in texts and headings
study and compare two maps
read your writing to check for spelling and grammatical errors.
improve the cohesion of your writing by organizing your ideas in a logical way
make your writing easier to understand by using cohesive devices.
Identify the main subject of conversations
Identify the function that speaker use

plan your long-turn answer
Use the correct sequencing words to give your answer a clear structure
Understand sentence stress when using sequence words
Deal with –follow up questions after your long -turn
skim a text to identify facts, opinions and theories.
match a fact, opinion or theory with a person.
recognize the use of will and going to future forms.
match sentence beginnings and endings about a passage.
analyses an 'advantages and disadvantages' essay task
plan your ideas and organize them into paragraphs
use linkers to make your essay easy to read.

Use notes to follow a talk or lecture.
Identify information needed to complete notes or sentences.
Recognize the language of comparison & contrast to predict idea in a talk 
Speak in detail about business &work
Express your wishes &intentions in a variety of ways
Use subordinate clauses to expand your answer
Use contractions when speaking to sound more natural
approach Yes I No/ Not Given questions
identify whether statements in questions match the writer's views
use so, too, either and neither to agree or disagree with someone
complete a summary with words from a box or words from a passage.
avoid writing irrelevant ideas in an ‘agree or disagree' essay
express your ideas clearly in an essay.
write in an appropriate neutral/ formal style.
avoid repeating words and phrases.

complete a diagram showing process
understand the use of signposting words
Revise quantifiers with countable or uncountable nouns
speak in detail about conversation and the environment
express your opinion with appropriate emotion
skim a text to locate information quickly
understand a text in order to label a flowchart, diagram or technical drawing
use modals of obligation (should, have to and must) correctly.

generate ideas about a topic and express your opinion clearly
organize your essay in a logical order
proofread your writing effectively.
listen to and understand a description
speak in detail about education
Consider reasons, causes &effects for different speaking
Make suggestion for recommendations. 
find factual information in a text to decide if a statement is True, False or Not Given
practice identifying Not Given questions
recognize and use the first and second conditional correctly.

identify and approach a 'problems and solutions' essay question
plan and write an essay answering both parts of the question
write a suitable introduction and conclusion
revise past, present and future tenses.
identify key information in summaries and tables to guide your listening
classify information as you listen
speak in detail about celebration and special events
Make comparison s between the past & the present, or between similarities and differences
Use  words and phrases that show “concession” to look at both side of an argument
Stress key answer to make comparisons
 شرکت کنندگان در دوره لازم است برای شرکت در این دوره تجهیزات زیر را در اختیار داشته باشند:

1- اینترنت پر سرعت بیشتر از 512 کیلوبایت متقارن

2- کامپیوتر یا لپ تاپ با حداقل مشخصات

  • 1.4GHz Intel Pentium 4 or faster processor (or equivalent)
  • Windows 10, 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit))
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 or later, Windows Edge browser, Mozilla Firefox, and GoogleChrome

یا موبایل - تبلتGoogle Android 4.4 or later·Apple iOS: iOS 8.1.2 or later

3-HEADSET برای شنیدن یا صحبت نمودن

نکته: لینک بازپخش کلاس نیز در انتهای هر جلسه برای هر یک از دانش پذیران از طریق اکانت آموزش مجازی ارسال می شود.( این لینک به مدت یک هفته در دسترس خواهد بود)