Viewpoint is an innovative course that's basedon extensive research into the Cambridge English Corpus, taking students toa higher level of proficiency to become effective communicators. Viewpoint 1Student's Book is for young adult and adult students who have reached anupper-intermediate level of English proficiency (B2). Each of the 12 unitsin this book teaches the language, skills, and strategies that students needto progress beyond intermediate level and to speak and write in Englishnaturally, effectively, and appropriately. From the same author team as theground-breaking Touchstone series, Viewpoint 1 also draws on the CambridgeInternational Corpus which underpins a highly effective approach to teachingEnglish language
In HI2 level, the second 4 units of Viewpoint 1 will be covered
Unit: 5 Challenges
Talkabout world issues and ways to help • Share wishes, hopes, and regrets aboutthe world; Hypothesize on making the world a better place
Use conditionalsentences to talk about Hypothetical events in the present or past; Use wish andhope to talk about wishes, hopes, and regrets
World problemsand solutions (eradicate poverty); Word building (devastate, devastation, devastated
Suggest possible scenarios or ideas with What if . . . ?,suppose, and imagine; Use I suppose to show that you’re not 100 percent sure
On the Mercy Ships, Aninterview with Dr. Leo Cheng, whose volunteer work with Mercy Ships changeslives in developing countries
Write anemail inquiry about volunteering • Use it as subject and object • Avoid errorswith verb forms
Unit 6: In to thefuture
Talk about future of moneytechnology clothing *give a presentation.
Describe future events with be, describefuture events with be going to, will, may, might. use modal verbs forexpectation guesses, offers
Expression used in giving presentation *Nouns for people
Conversation strategies
Use would or ‘d to show your opinion *respond with expressions such as I think so
An article describing ways thatgovernments can take responsibility for the citizen happiness
Write a paragraph foran essay about government *use expression to add ideas
Unit7: Getting along
Talk about getting along with friendsand family • Compare experiences of growing up in.differenttypes of families • Share views on dealing with difficult friends
Use phrasal verbs • Use infinitives and ing-forms after adjectives, nouns, and pronouns
Phrasal verbs on the topic of houserules (have friends over) • Idiomatic expressions (
drive yourfriend’s away, tagalong with someone
Make your meaning clear with expressionslike what I’m saying is and I mean• Use
expressions such as I have tosay to show that you want to make a strong point
On the Mercy Ships• An interview with Dr. LeoCheng, whose volunteer work with
Mercy Ships changes lives indeveloping countries
Write anemail inquiry about volunteering • Use it as subject and object • Avoiderrors
with verb forms
Unit 8: Foodscience
Talk about farming, food, andnutrition• Share ideas for eating a healthy diet • React to
Use the passiveto focus on information when talking about the past, present, andfuture;
Use complements of verbs that describe causes andeffects
Human body partsand processes (heart, metabolism) • Noun and verb forms of thesame
root (discovery, discover)
Use rhetorical questions to make a point ; Give examples with expressions such as such
as, like, take, and for instances
On the MercyShips; An interview with Dr. Leo Cheng, whose volunteer workwith
Mercy Ships changes lives in developing countries
Write an email inquiry aboutvolunteering; Use it as subject and object; Avoid error with verbforms.
H2:Units 5-8·
Mid-term: Units 5,6 15% out of 100
45multiple choice questions, 5 essay questions for writing section.
Final written Exam: Units 5,6,7,8 27% out of 100
listening: 10 questions, Vocabulary & Grammar: 25 questions, Reading: 10 questions, and writing 5 questions.
Final oral exam: Cards 24% out of 100
Monologues /Dialogues based on the book.
Class Performances: 34% out of 100
video book
Unit 5. Lesson B/C
Unit 6. Lesson A/C
Unit7.Lesson B/C
.Unit8.Lesson A/C