.: مشخصات درس
اهداف و مهارتها
  1. discussing the Software Development Life-cycle
  2.  experiences with traditional software development
  3. Agile practices including Scrum and Kanban
  4. discussing the tools and techniques that minimize development effort while improving software quality
  5. automation of the build/deploy/test cycle, test driven development
  6.  behavior driven development
  7. showing how individual engineers can apply these techniques, regardless of business culture, to advance their career and position within the company


شرایط شرکت کنندگان
آشنايي و علاقه مندي به توسعه نرم افزار آشنايي با زبان انگليسي و يكي از زبان هاي برنامه نويسي

توانایی های مورد انتظار از دانشپذیران در پایين دوره

- دانشجويان و فارغ التحصيلان و رشته هاي كامپيوتر ، فناوري اطلاعات و ساير رشته هاي مرتبط - فعالان حوزه فناوري اطلاعات - علاقه مندان به توسعه نرم افزار

3  ساعت

كاربرد درس در ساير دروس

  1.  discussing the Software Development Life-cycle
  2.  experiences with traditional software development
  3. Agile practices including Scrum and Kanban
  4. discussing the tools and techniques that minimize development effort while improving software quality
  5. automation of the build/deploy/test cycle, test driven development
  6.  behavior driven development
  7. showing how individual engineers can apply these techniques, regardless of business culture, to advance their career and position within the company